english guided roundtour through permaculture garden

Dies ist eine vergangene Verantaltung

🌍 This is a special offer for non-german speakers who want to learn to know our project.


Come in and learn more about the project and get a view into the practice of gardening, building, organization and much more in Peace of Land.

✍️ registration:

!Attention!: Due to COVID19-restrictions we have got a limited number of slots for visitors. Because of that a binding registration for this event is necessary via email to StefanF (at) peaceof.land . Please only come if you have received a confirmation-email for your registration!

♾️ energie-rebalancing
We will be grateful about donation, for our costs of rent, energy, repairs and building up. Suggestion: 5 – 7 € per person.

🌿 Plants for sale:

There will be a selection of plants that you can buy for small budget of 1-2€ per plant.

woodruff, strawberry, chard, lemon balm, mexico mint, stone crop, hawkweed


🗺️ venue:
Peace of Land,
Am Weingarten 14,
10407 Berlin